Evolution of Escort Agency In Kolkata With The Changing Times

As the age-old information suggests, prostitution has been one the oldest professions of any human civilization ever existed. Though, as the world evolved, prostitution developed a fairly bad name. Things have not changed much even in today’s day and age, but a slight shift of progress can be seen in the way the escort agency in Kolkata and the world beyond project themselves and the way they are viewed by the society at large.

Escort services in Kolkata and even the other cities of India, be it college call girl services in Kolkata or housewife escort services in Kolkata, project themselves and are viewed quite differently. They even function in a much professional manner these days. Erotic services are not the only services they provide. They offer much more than that, which includes a lot of non-erotic services, such as mock-dating, and escorting in the literal sense of it.

In this article, we will delve a bit deeper into the different kinds of intimacy that exist in this world and the kind of services an escort agency in Kolkata provides these days.

Neha Patel

Age: 22

Let’s discuss the kinds of intimacy a human being desire for:

In the most generalized description of intimacy, it means a sense of closeness or a feeling of bond between two human beings. This bond is irrespective of the relationship’s nature. As opposed to the usual and the most common belief, that intimacy can be shared only between romantic partners, it can actually be shared between non-romantic relationships as well.

Intimacy is multi-dimensional and when kept up to healthy levels, is the glue that keeps the relationship from falling apart. Healthy intimacy is directly proportional to the happiness, physical and emotional well-being of a person and his/her relationships. Generally, intimacy is described across the following five dimensions

Somatic Intimacy

Somatic or physical intimacy being the only kind of intimacy is the most common assumption. Physical intimacy is also the most explored and familiar form of intimacy. Though people often believe love-making acts to be the only act of physical intimacy, it includes a plethora of other touchable acts such as, kissing, hugging, cuddling, spooning, massaging, and even holding hands.
Every person has different physical needs and preferences, and asking one about theirs is the best way to seek consent as well as making sure of what the other person is comfortable with and would enjoy experiencing.
The kind of physical intimacy one enjoys can also change with time and age, and it is best to keep communicating about one’s needs and wants to ensure both the people involved have their needs fulfilled. Our college call girl services in Kolkata are great at keeping their minds broad and communication open to ensure providing what and how our clients want.

Urvi Singh

Age: 21

Emotive Intimacy

Emotional intimacy involves a lot of sharing of thoughts and perceptions. But surely, that is not all. Apart from just sharing thoughts and opinions, emotional intimacy demands being understanding and non-judgemental to make sure the other person feels validated and valued.
Emotional intimacy is more than just conveying your feelings. It requires trust and vulnerability from the person sharing their feelings and thoughts, while requiring the person listening to keep an open-minded and empathetic attitude. Emotional intimacy is all about feeling heard, seen and valued irrespective of the differences in viewpoints and opinions.
Our housewife escort services in Kolkata are a great choice for someone seeking emotional intimacy lacking in their lives. Our escort services go beyond love-making and provide a listening ear and an understanding heart for our clients.

Cognitive Intimacy

In today’s world, where social, political and economical perspectives not just differ but even collide, it is rare to form a rapport with someone who, irrespective of the differences, respects your point of view and avoids any clashes whatsoever. Having someone who has mutual respect towards you even when your opinions do not match, is a pure gold feeling.
Mutual respect is what allows you to connect with someone and build an intimately healthy relationship with them. One can practice cognitive abilities or intellectual intimacy by having a healthy conversation or a discussion about films, books, or current affairs.
Our college call girl services in Kolkata are real beauty with brains. They are intellectual enough to engage in conversations or discussions regarding any topic, and are well-groomed to be respectful at all times while engaging even when their opinions differ from yours. They understand well that intellectual intimacy is about observing differences and finding other ways to connect.

Urvi Singh

Age: 21

Amber Chritiana

Age: 24

Ethereal Intimacy

Spirituality as a concept again is quite unique and personal to each his own. If we generalize the term a bit, spirituality is all things divine and unworldly. Our opinions, beliefs and experiences differ when it comes to religion, moral values, and concepts such as after-life, parallel universe and their likes.
Although religion and rituals can be a part of one’s spirituality, spirituality in itself is never synonymous to religion. Spirituality, very much like love as a concept, can mean different things to different people. Spirituality is a vast concept encompassing human connection with something larger than themselves or the meaning of life.
Our housewife escort services in Kolkata consist of women who are spiritually inclined and believe in divinity. All forms of intimacy are legitimate, and so is the desire of a spiritual bond of our clients.

Social Intimacy

Social intimacy is all about sharing your interests with someone and spending time together indulging in them. Sharing quality time together and having fun is also a kind of intimacy one shares with another person.
Socially intimate activities not just make for a good way to build relationships, it also helps in uplifting one’s mood and happiness. While doing something that interests both you and your partner is a great way of connecting, trying something new together that you both have not ever tried is a different feeling altogether.
Our college call girl services in Kolkata have elite girls who are often up for trying new things and experimenting with intimacy. Fun girls indulging in fun activities you love is a different kind of bond waiting to be developed.

Priya Bose

Age: 22

Genelia Dcruz

Age: 23

Udita Roy

Age: 22

Esha Sen

Age: 22

How do girls from our Escort Agency In Kolkata experiment with the different kinds of intimacy?

Like we discussed above, there are numerous ways to intimately connect with someone. Physicality and love-making is only one aspect of the wide range of intimacies available to mankind. Though our Escort Agency In Kolkata is always open to suggestions and requirements from our clients, let us discuss a few ways in which our college call girl services in Kolkata create intimacy with our clients.
Our housewife escort services in Kolkata provide mock-dating services like accompanying clients to important occasions, escorting them through their professional and personal events, spending time with them, etc. They are there to listen and understand without making you feel judged and undervalued. They make you feel heard and seen at all times like a girlfriend would, without the burden of attachment or commitment.
Our college call girl services in Kolkata have intellectual girls who can indulge in intelligent conversations and put up rational arguments in a discussion without making the other person feel disrespected due to the differences in opinions and perception that may arise. In short, our clients will get the most presentable escorts that go way beyond what just beauty can serve.
Our escort services even provide packages wherein you can receive the girlfriend-like feeling by having a companion to travel with you, going on drives, cooking, reading, eating, dinner-dates, basically having social acts you don’t have a companion to do with. The mock-dating culture beyond the erotic activities is really picking up amongst men.

It may seem absurd to some people, but a lot of people’s desires go way beyond physicality today. Men look for companions beyond their friends and family to watch a beautiful sunset with or experience a sunrise after a night-out with someone. These are even some spiritual activities that our escorts provide.

The kind of services an escort agency in Kolkata provides these days is beyond your imagination. While certain activities one would demand out of an escort may seem absurd to you, but makes complete sense to that particular person. What any person expects out of their intimate time with someone is absolutely their call. The needs and wants of different people are really unique.

Shirley Norris

Age: 21

How and why is the escort industry evolving with the changing needs of its consumers?

Like any other industry, prostitution and escort services is also a commercial industry. Any industry with time has to undergo changes with the changing needs and preferences of its consumers. Similarly, the escort services industry nationwide as well as worldwide has undergone major shifts with the changing times. Escort agency in Kolkata has too evolved with the paradigm shift in the industry globally.
It is not just the physical or love-making requirements that consumers ask for in today’s age. With the new digital era, especially after the disastrous pandemic, where society at large had to face their innermost fears of being alone and lonely, escort services in Kolkata are being expected to fill the gap of companionship as well.

While the aforementioned is the case of people who were left alone in the lockdown, on the other hand there are cases of people who, though, were there with their families, but were stuck in its dysfunctionality. As it is said that too much of anything is bad, too much of companionship can also lead to disasters. The lockdown as well as rising feminism gave rise to not just divorce cases of marriages all over the world, but a lot of people ended up divorcing their blood-related families as well.

But us humans, being the social animals that we are, are always on the lookout for human connections. A lot of such factors, cumulatively, gave rise to changing expectations from escort services. Consumer requirements as if changed over-night, from only eroticism to mock-dating culture – the feeling of having a girlfriend but without the commitment.

Having a girlfriend by your side, with you in all your physical as well as emotional endeavours, without the pressure of attachment and the burden of commitment, is every man’s dream come true. One gets all of that and more here at escort services, only that it comes at a price that you can pay.

Another reason why nowadays men approach to go the escort way is that love is even harder to find. Sometimes due to reasons of trust or past issues one is fearful of indulging in commitment, while other times today’s professional lifestyle leaves less scope for someone to get involved in a long-term committed relationship full of expectations. Professional commitment these days takes most of the time and energy, leaving no room for personal commitments. Commitment phobic attitude and fearful behaviour towards relationships is what has given rise to the growing escort industry’s new face.

Shirley Norris

Age: 21

Pallavi Roy

Age: 21

Asha Bose

Age: 24

Sneha Shah

Age: 23

Mouni Ray

Age: 22

The changing face of escort agency in Kolkata

To avoid the expectations that a commitment brings, more and more men these days take the escort route to fulfil their desires of having a girlfriend or a companion. Therefore, escort services in today’s world are not limited to fulfilling the physical needs of their clients, but even their emotional well-being.
With the changing global industry, our college girls and housewife services of escort agency in Kolkata have also experienced a major shift in the kind of demands as well as the kind of services it provides. With the changing needs and preferences of its consumers, the industry at large is changing to fill the gap and so is the scope of services increasing, creating more room for providing extraordinary services, and physical, emotional, social as well as spiritual well-being of the society at large. The escort industry is capable of much more than what meets the eye. Only now are we getting an opportunity to place ourselves as what we are capable of.

Mouni Ray

Age: 22
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